#kalvin ilrock
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
Once you're stripped clean, what's at your core?
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Resounding Truth
"you have a goal in mind, and others brush it off right away... why does everyone always tell you to follow your dreams when it's actually their dreams that they want you to follow? your memory is weak, and your conviction is even weaker on days when you're reminded of how alone you really are. it's hard to go on without someone pushing you forward... is this what life is? a cycle of monotony, fueled only by the desire not to trouble anyone too much with your passing? it would be nice to have something, or someone, to spur you on. i hope you find them."
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
"WEll, I gUEss I'll hAvE tO gEt UsEd tO It tOO." He makes his way over to where Lulu is munching on the branches, reaching over and patting her shell. "Any tIps fOr sUrvIvIng hErE? WE'vE jUst bEEn wIngIng It sO fAr." There's a low gurgling sound from his stomach, and he places a hand over his abdomen with a grimace. "And...Uh...dO yOU knOw whErE I mIght bE AblE tO fInd sOmE fOOd?"
He hasn't eaten much, having had to guess at what was edible in this world. He wasn't always right, either.
“It jUst hAppEns sOmEtImEs.” Kalvin groans. "ShE'll gEt Off EvEntUAlly..." He'd had hoped no one would find him like this, with his massive snail off a lusus having decided it was cuddle time in the middle of his nap. But unfortunately someone *had* found the pair resting, and to his despair it was another high blooded troll. "LUlU gEt Off!" He bangs on the shell of the beast with his fist.
A figure sat up high in a tree, shrouded by shadows and piercing glowing eyes that almost made the pupils look neon violet. Glaring down with suspicious hiss, "State your business, why are you here?" calling out loudly, Soldan was taking no chances. From observing the snail, couldn't help but to laugh a bit. "Other then, maybe needing a little help?"
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
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"LIstEn, I wAs AskEd tO mAkE OnE And I'm tOO pOlItE tO sAy 'nO'." He's currently staring at a pile of half-deflated dough, hair dusted with flour from struggling so hard at this task. "And I stIll dOn't knOw whAt A cAnnOlI Is...exActly..."
He got the "has dough in it" part right at least....
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“Not everything iss a goddamn cannoli, Sstop thinking you can make one that eassily.”
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
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"LIstEn... I knOw wE'rE hIghblOOds And All, bUt wE'rE stIll mOrtAl." His grip tightens a bit as he drags her back. "YOu'rE my Only frIEnd rIght nOw, SOldAn. I cAn't hAvE yOu thrOwIng yOursElf At EvEry dAngErOUs thIng yOu sEE!" There was an anxiety in his voice, a deep-rooted one. "BEsIdEs...whAt Is thErE tO gAIn frOm thIs?"
“Oh no you DON’T”
Send “Oh no you DON’T”   to grab my muse by the back of their collar to stop them from doing something stupid
"Why not? I've done..." Soldan nervously smiled. "Far worsse, and I know how many incidentss my clumssy sself caused over time! I can take it!" No, she really can't. Getting in trouble unknowingly was a bit of a personality fault.
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
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"I'm jUst tryIng tO tAkE A nAp....I'vE bEEn wAlkIng ArOUnd wIth hEr fOr dAys." He calls back, Lulu's giant foot sliding over his torso and forcing his breath out. "I'm fInE...." His voice cracks near-constantly as he speaks.
Lulu, a massive flail-snail with clubs at the ends of her eye stalks, seems quite happy to rest on top of her ward. Her shell glints opalescent in the dappled light coming down between the branches.
“It jUst hAppEns sOmEtImEs.” Kalvin groans. "ShE'll gEt Off EvEntUAlly..." He'd had hoped no one would find him like this, with his massive snail off a lusus having decided it was cuddle time in the middle of his nap. But unfortunately someone *had* found the pair resting, and to his despair it was another high blooded troll. "LUlU gEt Off!" He bangs on the shell of the beast with his fist.
A figure sat up high in a tree, shrouded by shadows and piercing glowing eyes that almost made the pupils look neon violet. Glaring down with suspicious hiss, "State your business, why are you here?" calling out loudly, Soldan was taking no chances. From observing the snail, couldn't help but to laugh a bit. "Other then, maybe needing a little help?"
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
"COUld yOU grAb sOmE brAnchEs frOm thAt trEE OvEr thErE?" He points to a sapling a few yards away. "And wAvE thEm In frOnt Of hEr fAcE? I cAn't fEEl my lEgs AnymOrE..." He knew that Lulu was easy to distract with food, so leading her off of him should be fairly simple.
"ShE's fOOd mOtIvAtEd, And I dOn't wAnt tO wAIt fOr hEr tO gEt Off Of mE by hErsElf."
Lulu makes the crackling noise again, turning her long neck(?) to bring her head down to where he's under her. A clubbed stalk nudges him affectionately.
"Ow, lUlU nO, nO clUbs."
“It jUst hAppEns sOmEtImEs.” Kalvin groans. "ShE'll gEt Off EvEntUAlly..." He'd had hoped no one would find him like this, with his massive snail off a lusus having decided it was cuddle time in the middle of his nap. But unfortunately someone *had* found the pair resting, and to his despair it was another high blooded troll. "LUlU gEt Off!" He bangs on the shell of the beast with his fist.
A figure sat up high in a tree, shrouded by shadows and piercing glowing eyes that almost made the pupils look neon violet. Glaring down with suspicious hiss, "State your business, why are you here?" calling out loudly, Soldan was taking no chances. From observing the snail, couldn't help but to laugh a bit. "Other then, maybe needing a little help?"
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
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"WIld mAgIc?" He tilts his head to one side, bending over a bit to rub at his aching knees. "LIkE, mAgIc mAgIc? Uh, thAt's nEws tO mE..." He wasn't sure what to do with the idea of magic, really. He already had so much going on in his life right now.
"DOn't wOrry AbOUt It, I dOn't ActUAlly mInd." He gives her a small, tentative smile.
“It jUst hAppEns sOmEtImEs.” Kalvin groans. "ShE'll gEt Off EvEntUAlly..." He'd had hoped no one would find him like this, with his massive snail off a lusus having decided it was cuddle time in the middle of his nap. But unfortunately someone *had* found the pair resting, and to his despair it was another high blooded troll. "LUlU gEt Off!" He bangs on the shell of the beast with his fist.
A figure sat up high in a tree, shrouded by shadows and piercing glowing eyes that almost made the pupils look neon violet. Glaring down with suspicious hiss, "State your business, why are you here?" calling out loudly, Soldan was taking no chances. From observing the snail, couldn't help but to laugh a bit. "Other then, maybe needing a little help?"
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
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"WOw, trAUmA dUmpIng mUch?" He asks, though there's no real hostility in his voice. "And, yEAh, wE ArEn't ExActly frOm ArOUnd hErE." He rolls onto his hands and knees, standing up slowly. "wE gOt sUckEd IntO sOmE sOrt Of pOrtAl. LIkE, A wOrmhOlE mAybE?" He sighs, looking around at the trees.
"ThAt hAppEnEd ArOUnd A wEEk AgO mAybE?" He starts to walk over, wincing as various joints pop in his legs and hips.
“It jUst hAppEns sOmEtImEs.” Kalvin groans. "ShE'll gEt Off EvEntUAlly..." He'd had hoped no one would find him like this, with his massive snail off a lusus having decided it was cuddle time in the middle of his nap. But unfortunately someone *had* found the pair resting, and to his despair it was another high blooded troll. "LUlU gEt Off!" He bangs on the shell of the beast with his fist.
A figure sat up high in a tree, shrouded by shadows and piercing glowing eyes that almost made the pupils look neon violet. Glaring down with suspicious hiss, "State your business, why are you here?" calling out loudly, Soldan was taking no chances. From observing the snail, couldn't help but to laugh a bit. "Other then, maybe needing a little help?"
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
"YEAh, lIkE, I knOw yOU gEt mAd EAsIly....sO I dOn't rEAlly blAmE yOU fOr bEIng pIssEd.." He gestures towards the men. "BUt thEy wAnt tO gEt A rIsE OUt Of yOU. I dOn't thInk rOckIng thEIr shIt Is gOIng tO dO mUch." Kalvin was mostly hoping to talk her out of fighting. He wasn't a fan of violence, usually turning towards hiding.
“Oh no you DON’T”
Send “Oh no you DON’T”   to grab my muse by the back of their collar to stop them from doing something stupid
"Why not? I've done..." Soldan nervously smiled. "Far worsse, and I know how many incidentss my clumssy sself caused over time! I can take it!" No, she really can't. Getting in trouble unknowingly was a bit of a personality fault.
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
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"Oh, my cOndOlEncEs."
He shifts a bit, trying to get more comfortable in his circumstances. "YEAh wE ArEn't frOm ArOUnd hErE. I dOn't ActUAlly knOw...whErE wE ArE...Uh..." He reaches up, running a fuchia-freckled hand through his hair, making a face when he realizes he's just rubbed a fair amount of snail slime into it.
"COUld yOU dO mE A fAvOr, ActUAlly?"
“It jUst hAppEns sOmEtImEs.” Kalvin groans. "ShE'll gEt Off EvEntUAlly..." He'd had hoped no one would find him like this, with his massive snail off a lusus having decided it was cuddle time in the middle of his nap. But unfortunately someone *had* found the pair resting, and to his despair it was another high blooded troll. "LUlU gEt Off!" He bangs on the shell of the beast with his fist.
A figure sat up high in a tree, shrouded by shadows and piercing glowing eyes that almost made the pupils look neon violet. Glaring down with suspicious hiss, "State your business, why are you here?" calling out loudly, Soldan was taking no chances. From observing the snail, couldn't help but to laugh a bit. "Other then, maybe needing a little help?"
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
"ThAnks, I OwE yOU OnE." He tries to turn his head to watch her, but the horns make it hard. When she gets the branches, he prods the snail with a finger, pressing into it's slimy skin. "SEE? ShE hAs fOOd, gO gEt It!"
The beast opens her mouth, and rows of small sharp teeth are now made visible. She may be a snail, but apparently when there's the promise of food she can move, as she slides off of Kalvin to follow this new friend who is offering her a nice snack.
"Oh thAnk fUck...." He rolls onto his side, having to gather himself for a moment as the feeling comes back to his lower body. "LUlU I swEAr yOU'rE gOIng tO bE thE OnE whO tAkEs mE OUt In thE End...."
The Lusus doesn't seems to mind his remarks,being far too busy delicately plucking leaves from the branches in her new friend's hands.
“It jUst hAppEns sOmEtImEs.” Kalvin groans. "ShE'll gEt Off EvEntUAlly..." He'd had hoped no one would find him like this, with his massive snail off a lusus having decided it was cuddle time in the middle of his nap. But unfortunately someone *had* found the pair resting, and to his despair it was another high blooded troll. "LUlU gEt Off!" He bangs on the shell of the beast with his fist.
A figure sat up high in a tree, shrouded by shadows and piercing glowing eyes that almost made the pupils look neon violet. Glaring down with suspicious hiss, "State your business, why are you here?" calling out loudly, Soldan was taking no chances. From observing the snail, couldn't help but to laugh a bit. "Other then, maybe needing a little help?"
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
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"KAlvIn IlrOck." He grunts. "Its OkAy, mOst pEOplE dOn't rEAlly knOw whAt tO mAkE Of mE whEn thEy fIrst mEEt mE." Giving the shell of his protector a couple more half-hearted slaps, he sighs. "I'd shAkE yOur hAnd, bUt I'm kInd Of bUsy...bEIng hUmIlIAtEd by my lUsUs."
Lulu turns one of her smaller, eyeballed stalks towards Soldan. A crackle comes from somewhere inside her shell.
“It jUst hAppEns sOmEtImEs.” Kalvin groans. "ShE'll gEt Off EvEntUAlly..." He'd had hoped no one would find him like this, with his massive snail off a lusus having decided it was cuddle time in the middle of his nap. But unfortunately someone *had* found the pair resting, and to his despair it was another high blooded troll. "LUlU gEt Off!" He bangs on the shell of the beast with his fist.
A figure sat up high in a tree, shrouded by shadows and piercing glowing eyes that almost made the pupils look neon violet. Glaring down with suspicious hiss, "State your business, why are you here?" calling out loudly, Soldan was taking no chances. From observing the snail, couldn't help but to laugh a bit. "Other then, maybe needing a little help?"
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justheretoroleplay · 2 years ago
"ThEn why dOn't wE IgnOrE thEm?" Kalvin glances over at the assholes who had made the offensive comment in the first place. A couple of hooligans is all they where, looking to get a rise out of someone.
"ThEy ArEn't wOrth OUr tImE AnywAy. WE'rE gOIng tO bE ArOUnd fOr A lOt lOngEr thAn thEy EvEr wIll bE. I dOn't thInk It's wOrth It tO wAstE EnErgy On pEOplE whO dOn't UndErstAnd Us." He lets go of her collar hesitantly, slipping his hands into his hoodie's pocket.
“Oh no you DON’T”
Send “Oh no you DON’T”   to grab my muse by the back of their collar to stop them from doing something stupid
"Why not? I've done..." Soldan nervously smiled. "Far worsse, and I know how many incidentss my clumssy sself caused over time! I can take it!" No, she really can't. Getting in trouble unknowingly was a bit of a personality fault.
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